Tuesday 25 September 2018

Low Cost Country Sourcing - 3 Factors to Consider

Low cost country sourcing (LCCS) has become a mandatory strategy for the businesses in all industries and markets.  Procurement has become the major focal point for every business. Dwindling consumer base, competitive pressure, high market demands, low-profit margins and the list of challenges can go on and on. LCCS is one popular way to cut the costs across the supply chain.

The challenges you could face in low cost country sourcing. and why you need a professional consultant to handle the work for you.

Removes the barriers:
Communication can be a major hurdle in many of the developing countries. the language, culture, lifestyle etc everything is different. Using a third-party consultant can remove some of the geographical and linguistic hurdles that the manufacturing firms find in the LCCS markets like India, Thailand, China, Brazil etc.

Supplier capacity:
Identifying the right candidates can be more challenging than it sounds. You must consider the quality of material, the supplier capacity to deliver- the volume they can deliver, can they scale the supply during peak times? You must have an alternate plan ready in anticipation of the worst.  A local consultant will be the best choice for you.

Risk factors:

You must check the risks- political stability, economic unrest, labor, exchange fluctuations, transportation, local taxation policies etc. A wrong move can eat away all the savings you were hoping to make.


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